GlobeStart Int¡¦l Privacy Policy


The latest version: 20210717



The application respects and protects the privacy of all users of the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, the application will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. However, the application will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and care. Except as otherwise provided in this privacy policy, the application will not disclose or provide such information to third parties without your prior permission. The application will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you click the registration button, you will be deemed to have agreed to all contents of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of the application service usage agreement.


I. Scope of application


1¡BWhen you use the application service, the application will automatically collect the user hardware and software characteristic information and the data you need;

2¡BPersonal data obtained by the application from business partners through legal means. You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this privacy policy;

3¡BKeyword information you enter when using the search service provided by the application platform;

4¡BInformation collected by the application and released by you in the application, including but not limited to participation in activities, transaction information and evaluation details;

5¡BViolation of laws or rules of the application and the actions taken against you by the application¡C


II.Use the information


1¡BThis application won't come to any irrelevant third party to provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information, unless get your permission in advance, or the third party and the application of this application (including affiliates) alone or together to provide the service for you, and at the end of the service, it will be banned from access including its former, to be able to access all of these materials;

2¡BThe application also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or distribute your personal information by any means. If any user of the application platform engages in any of the above activities, the application shall have the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with such user;

3¡BFor the purpose of service users, this application may be through the use of your personal information, provide you with the information you have interested in, including but not limited to sent you product and service information, or to share information with this application partners so that they send you information about its products and services, which need your prior consent);


III.Information disclosure


The application will disclose your personal information, in whole or in part, at your personal will or as required by law, if:

1¡BDisclose to a third party with your prior consent;

2¡BTo provide the products and services you require, you must share your personal information with third parties;

3¡BTo make disclosure to a third party or to an administrative or judicial organ in accordance with the relevant provisions of law or at the request of an administrative or judicial organ;

4¡BIf you violate relevant laws and regulations of local or the application service agreement or relevant rules, you need to disclose to a third party;

5¡BIf you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent, so that the parties can resolve the possible rights dispute;

6¡BOther disclosures as the application deems appropriate in accordance with laws, regulations or website policies.


IV.Information security


This application account has the security protection function, please keep your user name and password information properly. This application will use encryption and other security measures to ensure that your information is not lost, not abused and altered. In spite of the aforementioned security measures, please note that there is no "complete security measure" on the information network.


V.What Personal Data Do We Collect*


In order to provide our Products to you, we will ask you to provide necessary Personal Data that is required to provide those Products. If you do not provide your Personal Data, we may not be able to provide you with the Products.

* Information You Voluntarily Provide Us*

1. Account or Profile Data: When you register an account with us, we may collect your name and contact details, such as your email address, phone number, user name, and login credentials. During your interaction with our Products, we may further collect your nickname, profile picture, country code, language preference or time zone information into your account.

2. Information We Collect Automatically*

Device Information: When you interact with our Product, we automatically collect device information, such as the MAC address of your devices, IP address, wireless connection information, operating system type and version, application version number, push notification identifier, log files, mobile network information and location.

Usage Data: During your interaction with our Sites and Services, we automatically collect usage data relating to visits, clicks, downloads, messages sent/received, and other usage of our Sites and Services.

Log Information: When you use our app, the system and exception log may be uploaded.

The application reserves the right to interpret this agreement and reserves the right to interpret and modify it.

3. Third-party SDK service providers: In order to recommend services that are more suitable for you, our company's products and services may include third-party products and services, as well as links to third-party websites. When you use these products or services, you may also collect your information. The third-party SKD currently connected by our company is as follows: 

(1) Bugly 

SDK name: bugly

Scenario description: Crash log collection 

Personal information fields: screen parameters, device manufacturer model, operating system, device unique device identification code, personal common device information, operator information, device type, device serial number, crash log .

Privacy policy link: 

Third-party SDK company name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. 

(2) Aurora push 

SDK product name: Jiguang Push Jpush SDK 

Scenario description: App is given push capabilities by identifying device information for message push; geographic location and network information are used to create smart labels to realize regional and group push functions 

Collection method: call system related interface to automatically collect 

Operator information, device type, device serial number 

Personal information type: personal equipment information, location information, network information 

Personal information fields: device information, geographic location, network information 

Use or purpose: push message 

Information processing method: desensitize personal information by de-identification 

Privacy policy link:

Third-party SDK company name: Shenzhen Hexun Huagu Information Technology Co., Ltd.


When you accept this Policy when you register with your Personal Data, or if you start to use our Products and does not expressly object to the contents of this Policy, we will consider that you fully understand and agree with this Policy. If you have any question r regarding this Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us via:


Kardik Ltd.